Next Generation Ejection Rubber

Change can be uncomfortable. Despite this, there’s definitely a time and a place where a bit of disruption is not only useful — but necessary.

The print and packaging industry that we service is changing all the time — and it’s always a matter of trying to keep up. As far as die making is concerned, we recognize that we need to provide our clients with any advancements that can aid in getting jobs done quicker and with more consistency while maintaining an undeniable quality.

An example of one of these advancements is the rubber we have at our disposal. SRD has made the commitment to support a material and philosophy that has clear advantages over the rubber that has been in the system for decades.

Sure, in some cases, we agree with that old adage of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But we’re not talking about change for the sake of change. The advancements in rubber characteristics offer improvements in every category. If we stick with the status quo, we simply would not be doing our job as a partner in your production process.


Here is a comprehensive rundown of the benefits that we see in our new ejection rubber line:

  • Diverse die cutting system offers many densities, profiles, and heights for both corrugated and paper
  • Reduction to cutting pressure in the machine
  • Experience less nicks along with faster sheet transfers
  • UV and age-resistance for multiple-use dies — consistent make readies over time
  • Certified food packaging safe
  • Simple optical quality control through colour coding
  • Reduce or eliminate compression set on rubber
  • Specialty solutions for cut, cut/crease, perf and crease rule

When incorporating this new material into your workflow you can expect a positive change to a shop setup and run process. Our team is standing by to help facilitate and minimize disruption to your operations.

We’re excited to continue to explore and discover new value and opportunities, which can then be passed on to all of our partners. Connect with us today to learn more information about this product or to see how SRD can help your processes.